Ok, so this is supposed to be a photo blog and I usually don't put too much personal stuff on here...however, I'm so irritated right now, and this rant is way too long for a Facebook status! I am so sick and tired of people acting like this whole healthcare bill is "for the people." The government obviously doesn't care about the people, because the people overwhelmingly say "WE DON'T WANT IT!". But they continue to ram it down our throats anyway. And you know why? Because it's all about control. They are trying to get control any way they can. They tell us if we already have private health insurance not to worry, nothing will change. Yeah freaking right. Do they really think we're that stupid? Come January, or possibly sooner, our premiums will go up, but that still won't save the insurance companies with all the stipulations they've placed on them in the bill. They will be gone within 2-3 years tops if something doesn't change. Then they are going to tax us to death on top of our premiums going up. I don't think it's my responsibility to pay for someone else to get health care. Health insurance is a PRIVILEGE, not a right people!! I work in the medical field, so I do know that some changes have to be made, but how about we start with throwing out some of these ridiculous malpractice lawsuits that are a big reason why costs are up!! And if Suck-bama is so freaking worried about the unemployment rate, it's going to be bad news when these insurance companies close down because they can't afford to operate anymore. That's a whole lot of Americans without jobs. Way to go. And I think they have proved just how crappy this bill is...they wrote themselves out of it! How are we supposed to think it's good for us if it's not good enough for them? I think the government has already proven how great and wonderful they are at government run healthcare...three words...Medicare and Medicaid. Enough said. Also, if you haven't seen the interview with Bill O'Reilly and this stupid Weiner guy, you need to see it (link below). This guy is a joke and people like him are the reason I think politicians suck, and I, personally, think I'm moving to Australia!

Thanks for visiting my blog! I am an ultrasound tech during the week, and a photographer on the weekends. I am a natural light photographer specializing in maternity, newborn, children, and family portraits. My goal is to capture people in a fun, relaxed, comfortable environment in order to produce the best and most natural images possible. Feel free to visit my website, www.lindseywalkerphotos.com, for more information & to book your session!!
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